The one page tax document
“The tax code is very inefficient. Both the personal tax code and the corporate tax code. By closing loopholes and lowering the rates, you could increase the efficiency of the tax code and create more incentives for people to invest.”
Ben Bernanke
This would be the approximate wording of the Currency Use Tax Law:
The Tax rate shall be accessed x% of the gross revenue of all new revenues deposited into an account held at a U.S. financial institution. The tax rate shall be determined as thus: X% = Total dollars spent in the approved and signed Federal Budget divided by projected Gross Domestic Revenue, subtracting any approved bond issues, times 110% if the Nation Debt exceeds 300% of gross revenue to the Treasury from the previous FY(fiscal year). The multiplier reduces to 105% if debt is under 300% and falls to 100% if there is no National Debt or a surplus. If no approved federal budget is in effect, the rate will adjust every quarter to meet current revenue demands of 110% of spending. Quarterly adjustment cannot exceed 0.25% with a maximum/minimum of a 1% year over year.
Exemptions shall include Social Security and other listed direct payments from Federal Government to individuals (possibly including military hazard pay). All official federal, state, and local government accounts are exempt from this tax. Any funds deposited or transferred into these government accounts will not trigger the CUT Tax. All return of principal is not considered new revenue and thus excluded from this tax, only interest, fees, and penalties are subject to the CUT Tax.
Qualification of tax includes all entities who do business within the United States and it’s territories and have an account with an American financial institution operating within the United States and it’s territories, regardless of account holder’s citizenship or status, whether corporate or individual.
The linking of accounts for transfers between accounts of individuals or organizations who share the same legal identity. This linkage allows the transfer of existing funds between accounts without further tax liability. Only new revenue is counted as a taxable event.
On the collection procedures. The financial Institutions would be the primary collector of the CUT Tax. The institutions would exercise the tax after the initial deposit of new revenues into an account. This tax would be deposited into an escrow account until the first business day of the month. Upon transferring the money into the United States Treasury account on the first business day of the month, the Financial Institution shall retain x% as form of a service fee. Congress shall set this fee in the current year’s fiscal budget. In the event of no approved budget, this fee will be last approved fee in a valid Congressional budget with a .25% per year increase until a budget is passed and approved. The names on all individual and organizational accounts are shielded from any Government Agency inquiries unless said Agency obtains a proper writ or court order, thus insuring confidentiality of Financial Institutions’ clientele.
All current and future use taxes will not be affected by this tax code and will operate independently of this tax code. This tax code cannot be initialized in its first year without a signed and approved Federal Budget.