Thursday, May 8, 2014

What Is My Political Affiliation.

I have considered myself a Libertarian. However, lately I have been reevaluating my political affiliations. On the Nolan scale I fall on the border of centrist and libertarian, with a slight lean right.

Through default, that has meant that I have voted Republican. The belief that I needed to fight back the forces from the left, and the Republicans historically have been that counterbalance. Now, it is hard to distinguish between the social justice party and the conservative party. That distinction is a thin purple line The lines have been blurred through the inevitable consolidation of power. Power they both wish to wield. This consequence has lead to a government that is self governed. Many would see this as  a positive. I see this as the most dangerous form of government. At this point the governmental programs loses sight of it original intent and focuses on acquiring reason's, to maintain the need for the program. Now the program is not judged on the end result of the program, But on the need for the program. Add to that the concept of baseline budgeting, you have an ever expanding governmental programs that solve nothing. If any business only measured it results by need, there would never be any failed businesses. You can always find a need for goods or services. The trick is to fill that need in a cost effective way. If they lose sight of the costs and end goal of filling that need at a competitive price, they cease to function in a rational way.

That is why I do not associate with any political party anymore. Even the Libertarians have become unappealing. This is not because of the lack of strength of numbers, But from the ideological purity they try to maintain. Yes, they represent the true balance against the social justice party. However, in a world of over 6 billion, interaction with others is inevitable.

To be honest, like most people I do enjoy some of the benefits of living in a stable society. One of the benefits is that I can go to sleep at night with the reasonable expectation that my family or I will not be massacred in the night by roaming bandits, mobs, governmental, or insurgent forces. I know this is only an illusion. Which is why I would not give up the right to defend myself. However, the reality is that if this happens, it will be a statistical anomaly or from societal breakdown, and not a normal course of events in most of America. That is one benefit of a stable society. To maintain this, I have to ceded some part of my liberty and treasure. Like, I can not mow my yard naked might be one liberty I have given up. The question is always how much am I willing to trade for the benefit of a society? And that price differs widely between people.

The biggest argument against Libertarianism is the statement. “No man is an island.” I do not agree with this statement. A person can survive and even be happy living alone. However, to reach their full potential they may need to rely on interdependence with other people. This interdependence allows the individual to focus on their strengths without being consumed trying provide all the necessities of existence. A person alone may be able to build a simple mode of conveyance,  Many people will claim they can build a car from scratch. Not to denigrate their resourcefulness and abilities, but, this is also a fallacy. They are not counting all of the tools, base material, or parts that were made by someone else. It would take a lifetime for one person to acquire, smelt and form the metal needed to build the tools to build a car. Let alone the actual materials to build the car. This is done through the efficiencies of interdependence.

  • The Miner focuses on Mining.
  • The Founder focuses  on creating alloys
  • The Toolmaker focuses on creating tools
  • The the automaker focuses  on creating autos.

This is a simple example, it allows each group to focus on an achievable goal without having to learn and master a new trade. This should lead to better and cheaper products in a non coercive environment. Each person then takes the fruits of their labor to provide them with the necessities and other goods they wish to acquire. After all, none of the groups in this example specialised in food.

That is why my closest political affiliation now is the Tea Party. Sure there are subgroups within this collection of individuals. However, I see this group as more aligned to saying, stop, what is the objective for the federal government? We are tired of your unwinnable wars on vague concepts. Like the War on Poverty.

What is poverty? It is the uneven distribution of goods and services. All societies are pyramids, even the socialist utopia. There will always be a few people at the top, and over two thirds of the masses will be spread across the base at various levels.

Does poverty exist in America? Yes.

Will social programs eliminate poverty? No, they can only temporarily alleviate the physical symptoms of poverty. Only the person in poverty and those in the local community, have the true ability to help this person overcome this barrier.

Is there a starving child in America tonight? I believe there may be thousands.

Will taxing me or even taxing the rich more feed this starving child? No, only the people within the local community have the ability to feed and protect this child. Taking more money from me to send to D.C. will not alleviate this child's suffering, it only feeds the power of Washington.

Why do we believe we need a  top down approach to handle problem’s. That never works, the people at the top are isolated from the problem. The only way to fix a problem is from the bottom up. That means returning the power back to the local communities. Some communities may fail, But those that succeed will provide a good template for others to follow and improve upon.  

Conversely, can a local community survive and defend against an attack by a hostile nation? Probably not. That is why we do need the Federal Government.


  1. You seem to demand government protection and denounce top down approach to handle problems. "What is poverty? It is the uneven distribution of goods and services. All societies are pyramids, even the socialist utopia"

    So what do you mean uneven distribution of goods and services?? So if you have 5 subway restaurants in your town and I have 10 does that make your town more impoverished? But seriously? Goods and Services? How do plan on keeping track and making sure everyone has an even share? I would say poverty is someone without savings and no income. Back when people had self esteem they would get up and do something about their income, now we just dwell on the fact "Help im poor and I cant get up" they expect a rescue team so then people like you come up with these Ideas of communitys helping the impoverished. Charity is the only thoughtful approach to helping the poor. Not expecting other people who more or less are responsible for their own family have too? A community should work great up until you start mooching, that's why there are ghettos and shady areas.

    Is there a starving child in America tonight? I believe there may be thousands.
    This shows that you only care about American children which cancels out your quest to be conscious about the impoverished. You probably would love it and otherwise make it society's goal to make sure all children in America go to bed with a full stomach. Yet 2/3 of the worlds population is on the other side of the world who in fact have a different standard of living than you, and they could also tell you they also know what it's like to starve but thats where the similarities meet because they don't have a system that they can print and debase more of their currency to fund a World Dominating Army and Fund a it's poor back into a successful Utopia. But I'm sure as soon as you fix problems at home you will go and save them from making your jeans and iphones for a daily bowl of rice.

    I have a question regarding this spreading the wealth craze, a can't possibly imagine any individual balls deep in his own life and achieving his own goals has anytime to even glance at someone else's success and demand it be distributed. Same goers with the poor Asian factory worker, demand other peoples hard earned money, that's improper to.

    Leads me to believe you're a Marixian thinker that has neglected to read Fredrick Engels Socialism Utopian and Scientific.

    Conversely, can a local community survive and defend against an attack by a hostile nation? Probably not. That is why we do need the Federal Government.
    Says the idoit on the other side of the gun, ask innocent people in Iraq if they need the United States Government?

    You just displayed that you either cant or lack the necessary function to be a man and provide and protect for yourself and therefore you some how think that nobody else has the capability either. So you are loathing on so many levels that I think you need to find a new hobby one that involves less pitty it's very un interesting.

    1. I tend to have a contarian view. So I do not hold to any philosophical belief. I see all philosophical beliefs as being based on an ideal, and people are anything but perfect ideals.

      Before I get back to the issues here, I want to interject a possible solution to an item you are researching on the sudden rise in the exportation of finished petroleum products. I am an expert of nothing, However, based on my understanding of the refining process, this leads me to think that the sudden rise is due to the environmental mandates of less then 500 ppm of sulphur placed on diesel fuel. I would key in on the low sulphur mandated instituted in 2007 on all diesel fuel sales in the US. Since the crude oil obtained in the US has a high sulphur content, it is probably easier and cheaper to export our high sulphur fuel, and buy lower sulphur fuel on the world market than to remove it. I would reply to the post on G+ but I did not want to join a new community today, too many projects going on this weekend. Might want to key in on the imports and exports of certain fuels types for comparison. I believe you will see spikes in both from 07 on.

      Now back to the issues here. I do not believe their is a system that can equally redistribute resources. That is my point, although I am probably bad at communicating it. And anyone who promises they can is just seeking to gain control of the resources.

      I have no problem with the unequal distribution of resources as long as it is earned. All systems become corrupt, And don't tell me that Libertarian-ism has never been tried. Somalia is a product of failed Libertarian-ism. Their was once healthy and vibrant libertarian communities in Somalia, until pirates and warlords flourished in the vacuum of very limited government, now it is a cesspool of corruption.

      If you do not believe in government, do you think that we should not have borders, and that there is no such thing as illegal immigration.

      I have no problems with a person coming to this country with the desire to improve their life, However, I do have a problem with people coming here that do not wish to experience our culture and beliefs, and make contributions to our culture. I do have a problem with those that wish to come here and establish their own beliefs on our system.

      I have no love for the moochers, and I believe that the Federal Government has no constitutional authority or the ability to provide for everyone basic needs, They where given this power by people that basically said, I don't want to deal with these people, Just take some money from the rich and warehouse them so I can live my life.

      My Tax idea is to place a fee on everyone at the same percentage, and remove the ability of the government to pick winners and losers. Then add a legitimate way to conscientiously object from taxation if you desire. That way the tax must be kept at a rate below conscientious objection or it fails to generate any revenue.

      Now the libertarians don't like my idea, because they see this as giving the government unlimited power to tax.

      The socialist and communist don't like this because it is not progressive and taxes the poor as well as the rich.

      And the statist hate this idea because it removes the ability to decide who and how much money anyone can have.

      And the politicians hate this idea because it would dissolve all of the carefully constructed nonprofits they had facilitated to keep them in power.

      All I want is for a government to say what it needs in taxes and why. I want it to justify its existence, not make it up thought programs designed to control people.

      I am sorry I confuse you, Sometimes I confuse myself. Someday I will find the voice in writing that matches the voice in my head when I am writing. It frustrates me that they are not always the same. If you think I am a Marxist, then until I have read any of Karl Marxist books I will have to believe you.
