Thursday, December 11, 2014

The CIA Diet Center


With the release of the detail of the Senate investigation into torturing of prisoners. One thing that stood out the most was the assertion about dietary manipulation.

The first thing that came to my mind was that maybe the CIA can franchise some Weight loss clinics. It sounded pretty effective With Khalid Sheikh Mohammad losing fifty pound. The advertising could post a before and after picture of him return to his fighting weight. With results like that, people would line up to pay for membership. And who needs FDA approval when you have congressional approval.

And what innovative patents they could have filed for. Although High Colonics have been around for years, with American ingenuity they took it to the next level. Anal nutrition.

Moreover, this homeopathic therapy has the beneficial effect of a non-surgical laparoscopic bands. Not only can they control the caloric intake, effects of weeks of non-oral nutrition would cause the stomach to shrink to a smaller size, thus limiting future caloric intake after therapy. Making for lasting results after treatment achieved in a natural way.

Although, governmental entities are not allowed to create private ventures, the CIA is rumored to have black op businesses in order to fund untraceable clandestine activity and to act as fronts. This would mean that they could not use their brand or past clientele performance to promote this endeavor, a marketing negative, and a lost a lot of national air-time exposure. They will be left to build the brand from the ground level. Maybe they can just license the franchise under a different name.

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