How to Hide a Global Wealth Redistribution Scheme
This is not as hard as it seems. All you need is an EPA
mandate and the right grade of commodities.
If you look at a diesel fuel pump in any American service
station, you will see a sticker that basically says “After 2007, all diesel
fuel must contain less than 7 PPM (part per million) Sulfur content.” And this
is just the beginning with the next milestone to be 4 PPM and then it will most
likely reduce even lower.
These mandates favor light sweet crude which primarily comes
from North African regions and parts of Asia, with a few reserves in the gulf
This in essence elevates the prices on these reserves while
degrading the prices on higher Sulfur content crude, since you increase the
cost to refine the higher content crude, in order to remove the Sulfur content
in the finished product. And where does
this crude come from, North America, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and other places the
US has historically bought crude from.
This is the simple way in which it works, The US and other developed
countries pay a premium to purchase low sulfur diesel from the under developed countries,
and continue to produce their higher sulfur diesel, in which they sell to the
underdeveloped countries, and China at a lower price.
In essence, you increase the market for low content fuel,
thus increasing the price. While you flood the market for higher content fuel in
the underdeveloped world.
Sense diesel is primarily used for transportation and
agriculture, this higher price is passed on to consumers in the developed
world. Meanwhile, the underdeveloped world sees a decrease in their cost of
living due to the same conditions. Thus
you see a transfer of wealth to these countries, even if their inhabitants will
probably not benefit. And at the end of the day you are still releasing the
same amount of sulfur dioxide globally, you have just redistributed it to the
third world.