Saturday, May 9, 2015

Millennial s

Everyone thinks that the millennials are cheap, lazy and expect something for nothing.

I see them as the first generation that has been brought up exposed to snake oil salesmen their entire life. They have been over promised everything since they were toddlers. From the toys they played with to the education they have received. Everything was advertised to deliver more than they actually received.

Therefore, if an app is shown to perform certain operations, they expect these operations to perform out of the box, with no tweaking, hoops to jump through or waiting for the third update before it works. So, yes they will complain about a 99 cent app that does not perform, and tend to wait for it to be free or workable before they commit to the product.

For now they do not blame the left for their troubles. After all the left has already received their money from the banks. That leaves the holders of the debt to complain about. And the left don’t care if the bankers ever get their money.

However, this is the short term. Soon they will give the left the blame they deserve, especially if they keep pushing programs that the millennials will ultimately have to pay for.

Not only will the millennials be left with the bill for the entitlements of the baby boomers, they will also be saddled with the debt incurred by deficit spending and declining health care and education, as the left continue to push to make these things free. Add to that the expansion of immigrants that are driving down wages, which the baby boomers need to reduce expenses and maintain their quality of life in there golden years.

So, yes the American dream has been dying. Because, the American dream dies, when you ask the government to guarantee it.

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