Sunday, May 10, 2015


I come to you, in order to ask for your help in promoting a concept that needs to be addressed in the current climate of political discourse. And the vehicle I am using to discuss and advance this is in the form of a book I am in the process of rewriting called The CUT Tax, on a free to read internet forum called Jukepop. I have included this link. To The CUT Tax.

I am rewriting this book in an effort to get feedback and critiques, in order to hopefully lay out an infrastructure that is easy to understand by anyone.

Today, we stand on the precipice of discussing the future, in the way in which government acquires the revenue to fund the infrastructure of our government.

Nearly every representative, political and financial pundit is aware that the current tax code is in serious need of reform. They only disagree on how.

The Fair Tax, Flat Tax, and tax reformers all have their champions, and critiques. Unfortunately, there is no visible champions for a new style of taxation that has the ability to make taxation equitable. And that tax form is a transactional tax.

This new form of transactional tax has the ability to be equitable, but not fair. I say this because fairness is an emotion, and truly cannot be equitable. Fairness requires the confiscation of what you view as excess from someone, and bestow it upon another you deem worthy. And that is the entire problem of the tax code to date. Indeed, all of the proposed tax codes that are set forth.

Every proposal that has been put forth, makes rules and exceptions to exclude certain individuals, and organizations, in an attempt to pursue the slippery concept of fairness. And this only leads to a higher rate that must be extracted from those that are not covered in their exclusions.

Ultimately, there is no true end user to any tax. All taxes cascade into the final cost of the goods and services that individuals use and consume. Therefore, my theory on taxation is to set a low fee that is collected on everyone, with no exclusions on the way in which we convert our time and resources into a medium of barter which we label as currency.

That is not to say that there will be no exclusions, only exclusion that could be counted as preexisting currency. This transactional tax is focused only on the generation of new revenue.

Due to technological advancements, and the new way people conduct business, we no longer need a cumbersome set of protocols for the government to generate revenue. And revenue is needed for the purposes of maintaining the infrastructure of government.

The free market system has already developed and is using this form of taxation on electronic transaction globally. I just believe it is time to study and adopt this fee structure into an inclusive tax form.

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